
My Passion For Education

Decent Essays

More Than a Passion, a Lifestyle
My biggest hope as an educator is to share my love for teaching with my students along the way of learning from them. In our competitive society it is crucial for students to not only receive a meaningful education, but to work with someone who is sensitive to their individual needs. I will always strive to be the best educator that I can be since along my education years I have encountered many teachers that weren’t so thrilled about being educators. There are three elements that I believe are conducive to establishing an exciting and learning environment, they are, a caring but guide full teacher, allowing the child's curiosity to direct his/her learning, and promoting respect for one another.
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To learn means to prepare yourself for the future, to gain knowledge and know how to use it appropriately, to have an open mind, and to know to response to anything you encounter. What’s taught should be determined in equal parts with society, the state, the district, students, and their parents. Everyone should have a voice in education because to make Earth a better world we must all be equal and own to the right of being free, and speaking for ourselves! I would provide student’s access to hands-on activities and allow adequate time and space to use materials that pertain to the lesson being studied, it creates an opportunity for individual discovery and construction of knowledge to happen.
According to Queens University of Charlotte, “A teacher who can make learning not only fun, but engaging and memorable, will help establish the value of education in the mind of the student.” Connecting the curriculum to student interests creates motivation and stimulates the passion to learn. One way to take learning in the direction of student interest is to invite student converse about the lessons and units of study. Every child has the potential to bring something unique and special to the world, therefore, I will help children to develop their potential by believing in them as capable individuals and never give up! This belief falls under the progressivism approach. I believe students should be persuade to explore, to

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