
My Personal Experience : My Career As A Career

Decent Essays

I never saw myself as a teacher. My first degree was in Chemistry, and I always thought that I would be working in a lab or something along those lines. After graduating, I had the chance to work at the City of Red Deer wastewater treatment plant as a Lab Technician. While working this job, I found that being a lab tech was not something that I wanted to spend my life doing as it was kind of boring. The first month was exciting but as time went on and I found myself getting bored of doing the same test everyday day after day. I knew that this was not the job for me, so I went back to being a lifeguard/swim instructor, and had to think about what I wanted to do with my life.
When I was younger, my first job was as a babysitter for neighbors and family friends. I have always enjoyed working with children and babysitting was something I enjoyed as I was getting to spend time with children of all ages and taking care of them and playing games with them. After graduating high school, I got a job at a summer camp where I have attended since I was four as a camper and then as a SIT (staff in training). Working at camp, I was in the kitchen and a lifeguard. I enjoyed camp as I able to spend time running activities, eating meals, and participating in wide games with the kids. Then in university, I got a job working as a lifeguard where my job was to be pro-active and prevent accidents from happening.
After graduating and moving home, I got a job as a

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