
My Personal Experience : My Experience In My Life

Decent Essays

When I was younger, I frequently found myself with a pencil and paper in my hand. I would leave a multitude of marks on the paper in some form or fashion, whether it be scribbles, repetitive words and sentences, my name, or the names of family members. Growing older, I would find myself writing more than enough when it came to essays. I could never bring myself to leave out any details and I rarely used simple sentences. Originally, I thought it was because I wanted the validation of my parents and teachers, but it was something else I had yet to realize. I liked writing and it hit me one day when I was in my room, listening to music. As a child, I was passionate about school and learning. This was partially because my parents wanted me to achieve anything I put my mind to and mostly because I loved the fact that I was attending school. I remember my mother and father always saying, “Do your best no matter how hard it gets. Even if you don’t get the correct answer, you can always say you tried and that’s all we ask of you.” Being human, we make mistakes and get things wrong from time to time. With my childlike innocence, I thought my parents would be disappointed if I got something wrong, but they reassured me that mistakes happen and you can’t be right one hundred percent of the time. They then taught me how it was okay to make mistakes and nothing could disappoint them because they had unconditional love for me. So of course, they helped me

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