
My Personal Interaction With Technology

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Constantly, in this day and age, every single person seems to be on their phone at any moment of his/her life by either texting someone or updating their current status on his/her chosen form of social media. Every action we commit, every interaction we have, and every secret we reveal is now all captured onto the internet, creating millions of terabytes of data. Some people hide behind this data and form a fake persona on it, becoming someone they're not. In my experince, teenageers are the greatest users of technology and the media outlets it possesses. Every day at school …show more content…

All of these rumors build up and by the end, no one knows what the truth is, but Hannah’s reputation has been tarnished and she loses many of her friends. This video essentially depicts cyberbullying and sexual harassment. Without Hannah’s consent, one rumor spreads like wildfire through media, and without considering the possibility that it might be a lie, people start to believe that rumor. Around school, she became known as “the slut”, a person who anyone could use for his/her pleasure. The fact that in the video she was known as “best ass” unwillingly sexualized by many of her classmates shows sexual harassment. Further, the spreading of rumors through social media and the drastic impact this has upon Hannah can be described as cyberbullying since the actions by the rumor starter intimidated Hannah and made her feel alone and lose self confidence.
The ethical issues of sexual harassment and cyberbullying depicted in this video can be addressed by speaking out and therefore creating an environment of acceptance and mutual respect. This may be simple enough to say, but actually doing this is one of the hardest things ever. To speak out against whatever may be happening to you is one of the most daring and boldest steps anyone can ever take. Speaking out helps the affected person realize that they are not the only one, and it also enables them to get the support that they have been

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