
My Personal Leadership Report

Decent Essays

I learned early on that the bedrock of any organization, corporation, or military unit is the personnel who work or serve within. Understanding the skills, capabilities, and experience of the people within your group is vital to help them personally excel and the group to succeed. My first experience with the complexities of personnel management were as a teenager some thirty-five-years ago.
The death of my father during my junior year in high school was a seminal moment in my life and shaped the subsequent path that led me to today. My dreams and aspirations of attending Penn State University were replaced with the reality of helping to take care of my family and assist in the family business. Thankfully, my parents stressed the importance …show more content…

When I arrived to III Marine Expeditionary Force in Okinawa, Japan, the unit lacked esprit de corps. The operational tempo was very high and many Marines barely had time to see their family. Although the mission always came first, many of these Marines were coming to Okinawa after deployments to Iraq, Afghanistan, or both. I spent the first few weeks checking in and listening to the Marines. They immediately sensed that I cared about the mission but also about them personally. As we bonded as a unit, the Marines became more willing to perform the long hours necessary. I was able to show the Command the Marines were up to the task but that they also needed some time with their families.
I decided to contact a Marine I knew in the Marine Corps Reserve to see if they would be interested in supporting us in the Pacific region. After some back and forth negotiations, we were able to work out an arrangement that provided the Reserves with real-world operational experience while providing some rest and relaxation for the Marines on Okinawa. In a word, I cared about the people and both my Command and the Reserve Command were pleased with the results. Just as important, the Marines and their families were

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