
My Philosophy Of Teaching And Learning Essay

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Describe in detail your philosophy of teaching and learning and the theoretical basis for its development. Include examples of teaching and learning strategies to promote higher level thinking that align with your stated philosophy. The context for implementation of the strategies may be within your area of expertise.
When I began my nursing career over fifteen years ago, I had a single goal in mind, to be good. I graduated from a program that boasted a consistent 100 percent passage rate on the National Council Licensure Exam (NCLEX). The patients’ linen could never touch the floor, “ma’am” and “sir” never “sugar” or “hon” when addressing a patient, hair did not touch your collar, and tardiness, by even a minute, was not allowed. I once went an entire clinical day with my pants on wrong side out because I was afraid to appear unprepared in front of my instructor. Expectations were high. We knew how to deliver.
I graduated third in my class and began my career in emergency medicine. The departmental educator gave me two days of orientation and on the third day gave me a full patient load. I was improbably calm and confident knowing that I could take care of those patients. I was eventually selected as a day shift charge nurse, a preceptor to new registered nurses (RN), a physician selected triage nurse, and a chairperson of a hospital-wide nursing committee. These duties were seamlessly accomplished because of the strong nursing foundation I was given. A foundation

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