
My Puppet Making Journey

Good Essays

In the following essay I will be discussing and explaining the various aspects of my puppet making journey. This includes the style I have chosen to use, as well as what and who influenced me and how I plan on using this puppet. I decided to go for the shadow puppetry method.
What exactly is shadow puppetry (also known as shadow play)? In order for something to be considered as shadow play you only need about three things, namely a source of light, a form (can be a figure or your hand etc.) and a wall/screen/surface to project onto. If you are like me and try to make a dog or an ostrich with your hands every chance you get then you can say you have had experience in shadow puppetry.
I decided to use shadow puppetry because I remember watching a shadow puppet show when I was younger (about six or seven years old) and it was incredibly captivating yet so simple. The fact that the images were just silhouettes gave my colourful imagination the chance to paint them any way I wanted to. I cannot remember the exact show I watched but I do remember the feeling it left me with. I hope I can achieve the same wonder with my puppets. A court poet during the reign …show more content…

I cut them out and made holes in some for the light to shine through (perforation). I then attached skewers to the back of each puppet with tape. For the bigger puppet of George Carlin I drew out his whole face then traced his jaw on a separate piece of paper. I then cut off his initially drawn jaw and attached the traced one for mobility. One skewer keeps him upright and the other moves his jaw. I constructed a theatre made out of cardboard. I took a cardboard box and cut out a stage which I ‘replaced’ with white paper/screen. There is an opening for my hands in order to put on a show. My light source will be the flashlight from my phone. I enjoyed this whole process because I had to make use of my drawing skills as

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