
My Reading Journey

Decent Essays

My reading voyage began at an early age and was kick started by my family. My mother and father encouraged me to read as soon as I could do it by myself. However, I am unable to give all the credit to my parents. As soon as I could read I devoured books at a break neck speed whenever I discovered free time. Books evolved into an island of fantasy where I would take my private jet mind to whenever I found myself stressed. My family may have exposed me to reading, but I lovingly drowned myself in a sea of literature as soon as I was able. My first memory as a reader was of “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” but ironically, I did not read it. My mother read portions of the book every night before I went to sleep. This is truly the beginning of my reading journey. Bedtime reading associated reading with two things that I still love today, my mother and sleep! These nightly reading sessions became what helped calm me down and relax me before I fell asleep. My father was also influential. Although he did not read to me, he would act out scenes from children’s books as my mother read. This step in my life is symbolized by Dr. Seuss’ “Green Eggs and Ham”. Both Dr. Seuss’ and my dad’s sense of humor created a childish, but beautiful, view that books always lead to laughing. The next step of my life I became a reader and read the book “Oh Say Can You Say?” to one of my parents as often as I could. I loved the challenge of the tongue twisters, but I still had enough fun where I

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