
My Reflection On My Capstone Rotation

Decent Essays

1. Some of the emotions I experienced at clinical were a sense of self confidence and excitement. In previous semesters, I feel as if I am typically a little more nervous on the first clinical experience. However, my emotions were very different starting my capstone rotation. I think this is because I know I am nearing the end of nursing school and I have much more knowledge than I did at this time two years ago. I have learned that nursing is a profession of life-long learning and each day is an opportunity to learn something new. Therefore, having those ideas in mind I feel that I didn’t make myself worry about what I didn’t know, instead, I was excited and focused on what I was going to learn. These feelings held true for both shifts …show more content…

Two nurses were continuously talking negative about a nurse’s aide on the floor. They felt that she didn’t help them as much as she could have and that she picks and chooses who she helps. After taking a recent workplace violence module in our leadership class this semester, I have a better understanding on how this impacts patient centered care and that this situation is a very negative workplace behavior. Initially, I felt that it was best to ignore the situation because as a student I didn’t want to get involved. However, after the gossip continued, attempts to resolve the issue were to state that the floor was busy and as a PCT I often get behind as well, the nurses then agreed that the unit was busy and moved on to a different conversation. Throughout the whole ordeal I continued to have my patient’s best interest at priority and didn’t let the behavior of these nurses impede on the care being provided. (2 points)

4. Safety concerns that I encountered during the experience were in regards to a patient admitted for unrelieved chest pain. The patient was in his late seventies and had end stage renal disease. According to Lewis and colleagues (2014), after age seventy-five, renal clearance of medications declines substantially, which places elderly individuals at risk for medication toxicity (p. 73). However, since the patient also had end stage renal disease the risk for toxicity was even greater. Because of the patient’s

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