
My Reflection

Good Essays

My writing has changed in a few ways since the beginning of this class. I wouldn't go so far as to say I like to write but it is not as much of a challenge anymore. While it is still a challenging thing it is nowhere near as hard to do as it was. Being in this class I have become more aware of the mistakes in grammar I make. While I am still not great with grammar I have gotten better. Being part of a writing group has helped me in more ways than just developing my writing, but in being more confident. I am more confident in reading my writings out loud as well is being able to talk about myself.
Having feedback from multiple people is a hard thing to understand at times. I have gotten feedback from Mrs. Brantley that contradicts what my writing group tells me. Deciding which one to use is never an easy thing, because while I like the feedback of both it is hard to decide which one will help my essay more. Much of my feedback from my peers is very useful, and I use it to further enhance my essays. As in “Cut What or Whom” I made my essay less chronological by taking the anecdote from Junior High and putting it as the introduction. I took suggestive feedback from Mrs. Brantley and put it in my essay to make it better.
When coming up with ideas for an essay I enjoy using the prompts that Mrs. Brantley gives because they help a little, but in the end I tend to just start writing. I look at my computer waiting for an idea to come to mind. After stressing to try to come up with an essay idea it will finally come to me, and I just start writing. Sometimes I will write out multiple paragraphs and realize that there is no way I can actually create an essay with with the topic I have chosen and then I will start over. Many times the writing exercises that we do in class start off the percolating of ideas, that will end up becoming my essay.
Reading short stories and segmented essays has really helped with my writing as well. In the beginning I thought paragraphs absolutely had to be five to eight sentences and formatted in one exact way. Reading the essays by people like Sherman Alexie have helped me realize that essays don't have to look the same. I can have paragraph that are only two sentences. I thought

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