
My Senior Goal

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Senior Goal Paper In the next 6 months after graduation my goals are to get all moved in at my new apartment in Iowa City, I signed my lease with two other friends of mine. One is from Mount Pleasant and I've became good friends with him since I moved here last year. The other friend is from Des Moines and was my friend before I moved away, Both friends are attending school at The University Of Iowa. When I move, I plan on working a full time job. I’ve been looking at job openings in Iowa City and there are some what a lot of jobs that I could potentially at, I would like to get a job at the hospital; they pay decent and I've done the math to see if I’d be making enough to pay for my bills. Minimum wage in Iowa City is mostly higher than $10.00 …show more content…

Megan my girlfriend wants to have 3 kids which I think is a lot but I guess we'll see what happens. If we did have 3 I kind of want a Charlie Jr. but not too sure, they other two would be Kane, and Lucy. that's if we had two boys and a girl. I wish I didn't have to send my kids to public schools because I hate what I was taught in school and most of it is pointless. Like the flat earth ;) but in today's society you have to send your kids to school which I get isn't always bad but I just am not a fan of what we're taught as kids. If school and a high school education wasn't so important I would feel different about sending my children to public …show more content…

I love The Principle of Reaping and Sowing, What we are today is the result of what we have been thinking and the way we have lived in the past. Those who act wisely today will have wisdom in the future to make wise decisions. The same is true when we come to the subject of finances. Those who save wisely today will have plenty tomorrow. Those who spend everything they have today will have little or nothing in the future. I plan to follow this principle for the rest of my life and I will never quite following it, this is how I plan to

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