
Lifetime Goals

Decent Essays

Based on the number of books and articles written about discovering lifetime goals, it appears that determining and setting goals must be difficult for most people – but it’s not difficult for me. My lifetime goals are to improve the well-being, quality of life, and happiness for my family, my fellow human beings, and myself. I want to realize the goals of lifelong learning and growth. I want to avoid debt and poverty, and to continue to be a productive member of society. My lifetime goals are broad and lofty, but to reach them takes goal setting on a smaller scale. I’ve set and achieved specific goals that have led me to my present goal: attending the University of Texas at Austin and graduating with a degree that will move me further toward …show more content…

Beginning seven years ago, when I crossed over from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts, I began choosing small goals in the form of merit badges, as well as holding leadership positions in the outdoor program and within the Troop. Boy Scouts offers a template for life in which bite size goals lead to great achievement over time. Once I set and achieved the goals of Star and Life Scout, I looked ahead to Scouting’s highest honor: Eagle Scout. Along the way to Eagle, I held increasingly responsible positions such as Patrol Leader, Community Outreach Coordinator, Instructor, and Junior Assistant Scoutmaster. I planned local camping trips and high adventure trips to peaks 3,000 miles away from home. I met with local conservation group members to develop goals for stabilizing community trails through wetlands; then designed and built boardwalks to complete community sustainability goals. Another activity benefitting group goal advancement through individual achievement, is year round club swimming and varsity swimming at my high school. Setting individual and group goals gives experience for later life cooperation in the work place. I have pride in achieving my personal swim goals, but greater pride as a member of my high school and club teams. I plan to continue to swim for fitness, but now I have set goals in another aspect of life that interests

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