
My Sociological Perspective

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Born onto a Canvas with Already Dried Paint
We like to think that we are all unique and that we have full control of the forces that affect our lives. Many aspects of one’s personality and life can be explained by larger social forces such as socioeconomic status, race and gender roles. It was not until I started this sociology class that I began thinking of my life in a larger sociological sense. I realize now that my life has been influenced by a variety of social forces that I did not have control of.
In general I have lived a privileged life. I would describe my upbringing as upper middle class economically with a more standard middle class social class. Thinking about it now, that type of upbringing has had a profound impact on my life. I have become accustomed to a life of semi-luxury where I get what I want and I am not limited in the opportunities that I want to pursue. I have the opportunity and support structure to pursue whatever I want and I believe that gives me a general optimistic outlook on life. I admit to being somewhat isolated and that I will most likely never understand the struggles of poverty. I have generally been friends with those that are fairly close to me in socioeconomic status. This will limit the way I view the world and the ideas I have about welfare and about what success is. My parents …show more content…

However, thinking about my life from a sociological perspective has given me a new way of looking at my life. I am an upper middle class white male who is in large part influenced my societal values in the same way as everyone else. I now have a better understanding of where my place in society is and how I got to be in that position. I look forward to further sociological examination in the future and the greater understanding of the world around me that comes with

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