
My Strengths In Reflective Writing

Decent Essays

Past three weeks of July in summer school, I have tried my best to improve my skills and have seen my weak spots as it was coming, while writing my assignments. At the beginning of this course, I was struggling in many components that needed improvement in descriptive writing, summarizing, reading comprehension, and that resulted not succeed 2 tries of the grade 10 literacy test. Along the way of this course, I have seen a pattern where I see myself improving. After three weeks of this course has allowed me to have opportunities to improve myself in various aspects of my writing, reading, and in those aspects, I have seen my weakness that had to be fixed. Currently, I have the ability to have more confidence in various components of my writing and reading.

My strengths demonstrate the achievements I have made throughout this course. Prior to those assignments that were done, show that I can develop my ideas or outline to help me follow the structure, create strategies and read to improve my vocabulary, and improve ways in my writing to be more effective. In this course, I have shown my strengths in various ways that I construct my thoughts into an understandable paragraph. This has appeared in my writing that was in the final copy of the essay that I wrote which had too much detail in my introductory paragraph, and I read my essay I figured that some of my sentences do not make sense. That is my weakness; I am still trying to improve my skill to make my sentences to make

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