
My Strengths Of Reading

Decent Essays

For as long as I can remember, reading has always been a challenge for me. However, writing is most likely one of my strengths. Writing came to me easier than reading when I was younger, and still to this day. For example, reading awareness was a big struggle for me when I growing up. When I would read a book, and then have questions for it after, I wouldn’t be able to answer them. Having the fear of reading is something that has been with me for as long as I can remember. When I read, I have no confidence, but when I write, I feel very confident with it. I started Pre-K when I was three. In Pre-K I learned how to write my name and small words. One thing I remember is that my teacher would not let us move onto the next word until we got it right. We had a chart in the room where if you completed a word correctly then you got to put a sticker on it by your name. So I had the motivation to become better with my writing skills when I was younger. When I would go home at night from school, I would have my mom help me write and have her tell me what to write. On the weekends when my dad was home, we would always go outside and play with chalk. He would make up silly games, to where it would have me write out words. My dad would always turn everything into games because I was very competitive, so he knew if it was a game I would try my hardest to beat him. I only remember so much, but my mom will tell these stories to new parents and to try to embarrass me. Reading was very

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