
My Thoughts and Experience with the Amazing Magnetic Resonance Image

Decent Essays

To be completely honest, I do not know much about MRI machines; however, I did come across the device many times when I was with my clients at the hospital. I work as an interpreter, and I sometimes go with clients when they have an appointment with their doctors for x-rays or CAT scans, or even MRI scan. Nevertheless, I did have an MRI scan several times in my life. All I knew was that an MRI machine was a device which was used to take images of body just like the images taken by X-rays, CAT scans and Mammogram. I choose this article “What is MRI? How does MRI work” by Mathew Kalapurayil because I found these devices to be interesting and also extremely useful to healthcare providers because the vast number of patients saved by a scan …show more content…

This article is about MRI scan and how tremendously MRI’s can be used to identify illness throughout the body. Furthermore, the article talks about how the procedure of the MRI is used in hospitals on patients to know the seriousness of a certain diseases or the extent of damage caused by the disease. MRI images are used when accurate detail and precise image about a tumor's place are required. Dr. Simon Walker-Samuel one of the researchers involved in MRI study stated “We have developed a new state-of-the-art imaging technique of visualize and map the location of tumors that will help us assess the effectiveness of new cancer therapies. (Kalapurayil, 2013). Before undertaking the MRI scan, the patients are usually given an injection of glucose (sugar), this is done because the MRI device is alerted to find glucose. During the process of MRI exam, which takes between 3 to 10 minutes, the patient sits still until the number of MRI images and information are collected. One important fact about MRI scan is that the patient cannot take MRI under any circumstance if they have a heart pacemaker or pacing wires, cerebral aneurysm. The reason is because MRI involves magnets and anything that has a magnet in it such as pacemakers will interfere with the device and possibly kill the patient. Since its development, the MRI machine which is harmless, has and will

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