
My Undergrad Year

Decent Essays

In August 2015, I decided to take on my first job during my undergrad year. I worked as an office worker in Career Services at The University of Southern Mississippi. There, I performed clerical duties, maintained the filing system and assisted my coworkers as needed. During each semester the Career Service office would host a very successful career fair where hundreds of students would attend. During this time of business, I would assist Mrs. Kathy Killam with organizing and working the career fair. On most occasions, I would be able to work on school work while at work. However, during this time, the office was very busy. Therefore, I would have to prioritize my daily activities and complete assignments beforehand. This helped me learn time …show more content…

Since I have been enrolled into The University of Southern Mississippi I have enjoyed every aspect of the college. At the university, I have been given many leadership opportunities and became lifelong members of a lot of great organizations. However, being an out of state high school graduate I was forced to take out several loans in order to pay for my schooling. Also, while working different part time jobs while maintaining a 3.0 or higher each semester was sometimes a struggle for me. Until I was fortunate enough to receive an out of state scholarship to pay for school and still then still then I would work a part-time work study job. Unfortunately, as a first generation college student, I was unaware of all of the expenses that came along with a university. My mother tried to help as much as she could, yet she was only able to do so much, having only one source of income in the form of a disability check. Therefore, in order for me to get through school every year, I would take out more and more loans. Now that I have recently found out that I have exceeded my limit for subsidized loans. This means for grad school I would have to take out more unsubsidized loans in addition to the subsidized and unsubsidized loans I currently have. Such burden drags me back on my aspiration towards exploring my potential in many aspects that require financial

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