
My Visitation And Fieldwork Assignment

Decent Essays

Fieldwork Assignment My visitation and fieldwork assignment took place at the Summit School in Queens. This school is a private special education school that caters to students with various disabilities. This particular class that I observed was a 7th and 8th grade reading class. I observed this class on December 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th from 12:30 to 1:15. The class I sat in on had seven students, one teacher and one assistant. The class was a nice mix of boys and girls, and all the students got along. The classroom was decorated in a nice inviting manor. There were several bulletin boards all with different themes. One of the bulletin boards that really caught my attention was one that had all positive sayings. And when the teacher sees that a kid is having a rough time she lets them read the sayings and they help. There was another board with all kinds of grammar and math tips for the children to use as a resource. And she had the children 's works displayed all over the classroom with positive feedback written on all of them. Whether it was by a cute sticker or she hand wrote a positive thing by herself. This class really enjoyed the stickers so that is what she used in this class. Another thing she had was a kindness tree, when a student does something nice for another student they get a leaf. She uses this mainly for her homeroom class, however she had things in place for her departmentalized classes as well. She had all kinds of lollipops and

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