
My Writing Course Reflection

Decent Essays

My last class was not a good writing experience; therefore I was hesitant to fully embrace this session’s writing course. Because I do not believe in expectations, my goals were based on previous writing experiences. This helped to support what writing confidence I had left to give this course a chance to be different. In English106, my desire was to improve my writing skills, find weaknesses in my writing, and be a better writer at the end of the course.

I believe the outline is one of my writing strengths. Before the course, I would make mental outlines. During this course, I started to write down my outlines to keep me on target and in focus. In addition to composing an outline, I have increased my free writing time. After free writing, I revise the information to fit the assignment or ensure alignment with the main points. I have saved time in writing down my outline by using each bullet point as my own feedback and critique for material appropriateness.

Ironically, I struggle with thesis statements. I get hung up on the thesis details and ensuring that I have strong supporting main points; consequently, at that point I cannot function and create a writer’s block. When I just focus on creating an outline and writing relevant material to the outline, I can organize my thesis statement. With the help of live chats, …show more content…

We tried to check in at least twice a week to talk about ways to help each other in specific areas of struggle. In addition, my study buddy asked me to review writing assignments and provide feedback. After the reviews, I would look over my own writing assignments to see where I could improve or find errors in my work that I had found in my study buddy’s work. I did not compare the two writing assignments, but used my own peer review of my friend’s work to critique my own work. This was helpful because I was able to look at my own work with a modified set of items to specifically look for and

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