
NDSU Personal Statement

Decent Essays

I chose NDSU because I feel like I was pretty well acquainted with the campus during my time in high school. Each summer, for FFA, my chapter, along with others from across the state, spent a week here competing in different agricultural competitions. Also, I talked with alumni from this nursing program, and they all said it was set up very well, and also put them on a track to getting a good job afterwards. When I came for a tour earlier this spring, I got to hear a speech from the Dean of nursing, and I just sort of felt like this was the right place. On a side note, I like being here because of the agricultural side of NDSU as well, even if I’m not necessarily going into a field pertaining to it. It seems more like home to me, when the person next to me, going into Vet Tech, rides horse as much as I did. My first week at college has been challenging, even though I expected it to be, It has still had its ups and downs …show more content…

One down side to living in a small town, is there isn’t very many friends to choose from, and there wasn’t really anyone who shared my interests. Here however, there seems to be an unlimited supply of friends. Where if one person doesn’t want to do something someone else does. Lastly, the most surprising, is how much I feel on track. When all of my technology was going haywire, and I couldn’t find my classes, and everything around me seems like it was crashing and burning, I felt ok, because I guess it boils down to the fact that nursing is something I really want to do, and no matter how much the things around me stress me out and make me want to give up, even in the first week of school, I can’t, because I know it’s what I want to do with my life. I want to help others. When I set my goals on something I really want, I push for it with everything I’ve got. NDSU has challenged me, but with the staff I’ve met these first few days, I feel really supported to take it

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