
NHL Draft Game Analysis

Decent Essays

The auction market occurs during the NHL draft. The draft lottery is a weighted system implemented to determine the order of selection in the first round of the draft. The 14 teams that missed the playoffs during the previous NHL season are awarded the first 14 picks. Teams 15 through 31 are set after the Stanley Cup playoffs. They draft in order of the fewest points scored in that season to the most points, subject to the results of the draft lottery. The Draft Lottery is utilized to assign the top 3 drafting slots in the NHL draft, where 3 draws are held. The 1st lottery draw will determine the club selecting first overall, the 2nd lottery draw will determine the club selecting second overall and the 3rd lottery draw will determine …show more content…

Teams must select the perfect combination of skilled players and “enforcers” (Jones, Nadeau & Walsh, 1997). In addition to battling other enforcers, these players try to limit the success of opposing skill players. The study suggests that the rougher and more violent a player is, the higher his salary, thus incentivizing violence in the game of hockey. A culture of violence is embraced, rather than discouraged. This violence trickles down from the ice to the crowds and to younger generations in amateur leagues (Jones, Ferguson & Sunderman, 1996). In an analysis that reflected on the culture of the NHL, the author argued the extraordinary amount of emphasis on winning helps, either directly or indirectly, in promoting a violent culture in the game. He added that the NHL “is perhaps the only sport, professional or otherwise, that encourages the use of physical intimidation outside the rules as a legitimate tactic” (McMurtry, 1974). “The attempt to sell hockey to a wide audience in the U.S. is more easily undertaken because understanding a hockey brawl is easier than learning the intricacies and finesse of the game” (McMurtry,

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