
Namesake Film Analysis

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The Namesake film gives a strong view on inter-subjectivity which is the shared public symbolic systems of a culture. For example, when Ashima asks her husband, Ashoke , "do you want me to say I love you like Americans", and he replies "yes". Also, when Maxine, who is Nikhil's girlfriend, notices a kurta dress, which is indian dress, and says "I grew up with fabrics". The Namesake covers culture clashes which leads to consequences on a group of people. Also, the clip derives a sense of visual imperialism which is photographs that provide visual evidence to commit myths about race and culture. For example, Nikhil is taking pictures of his sister, when she is wearing the Indian official dress, although his sister was born and raised in …show more content…

He grows up knowing that smoking is bad behavior and violation of cultural standard. Also, Nikhil knows that association with people from other cultures especially, in dating and marriage issues, is against his culture and traditions, because it could lead one to abandon his/her cultural practices, and embrace the unaccepted cultures. In fact, when Nikhil 's mom's friend, who is from England, tells him "have fun with girls, but marry bangalian", and he repeats what she says. In contemporary society, cultures differ because every group of people has set their own rules that govern their lifestyles. I feel that there is no assurance that people will be limited by the cultural bounds throughout their whole life. Sometimes life events force people to move to new settings. Ashoke and Ashima, who are Nikhil’s parents, wish that their child, grows up and learns Indian culture, but they had to move to New York where the culture and lifestyle are different and people live differently. In fact, Ashima expresses her feelings of loneliness, when she feels that her son does not want to see her, she says "I lost the company of my parents when I got to this country, now I feel I'm losing my family all over again"
Another factor of intersubjectivity is that teenagers are easily swayed into the new groups’ lifestyle.

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