
Nano Vaccination Paper

Decent Essays

When talking about immunity, most people would relate it to a characteristic of a superhero. However, when you are talking about vaccines, immunity is the more relatable definition itself. When germs enter your body, they start to reproduce. The body’s natural defense mechanism is to create antibodies to help fight off the infection. The antibodies primary job is to attack and destroy the foreign invader that is making its host ill. The antibodies secondary task is to bolster the body’s defense capabilities from future infection. From experience, the antibodies build up a tolerance against that specific germ. What if there was a way you could build up that tolerance without experiencing the illness first? Enter vaccines! Vaccines purpose is …show more content…

Stories of holistic approaches such as drinking snake venom to gain immunity from snake bites have been heard for years. The first successfully documented vaccine was Edwards Jenner’s smallpox vaccine that was established in the 1790s (Stern & Markel, 2005). For a vaccine to become successful, the vaccine must undergo a specific creation process and mandatory testing to be distributed to the public. There are many approaches to creating a vaccine for a virus. The most common one is weakening the virus. By doing this, it prevents the virus from producing effectively in the body. Viruses typically cause diseases by reproducing in the body, so limiting this factor is key in assisting the body to fight off a potential infection (Plotkin, 2014). Another common approach would be inactivating the virus in general. Simply killing the virus with a chemical renders it ineffective. By killing the virus, it cannot reproduce and cause disease within the …show more content…

In 2014, the CDC reported an unusual increase in measles outbreaks. The origin of the virus was later pinpointed to Disneyland, however, most of the patients that became ill were unvaccinated or had an undocumented vaccination history. Some people claim that vaccines are directly related to causing autism and other serious side effects. Studies have shown this is not the case. The CDC (2014) claims that “A vaccine, like any medicine, could cause a serious reaction. But the risk of a vaccine causing serious harm, or death, is extremely small.” Like any type of medication, some patients have been exposed to more serious side effects but this is very

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