After almost 12 years in the Napavine School District I have had many different experiences. I think the Napavine High School is a pretty good school, although I don’t have experience with other schools. I do think there is some changes and improvements that the Napavine High School could use. One of the main issues I think the school has is the amount of core classes required and the total number of credits required.
I previously took a whole semester of school at my house through Washington Virtual Academies and I failed the entire semester. I had six F’s when the semester ended and it set me back by 3.000 credits. When I came back to Napavine I needed more credits to graduate so I took additional courses through the Apex program. I made
Simply being invited to become a member of the National Honor Society is a privilege. It’s not necessarily surprising to me that I was invited but rather gives me an exhilarating feeling. A part of me now knows that my sedulous efforts have finally paid off. Throughout my high school career so far I’ve exhibited the four pillars, which are scholarship, leadership, character, and service. This organization administers a plethora of opportunities that has an impact on the students and the lives of others especially. To be accepted into the National Honor Society would motivate me to contribute even more to not only our school but also the community.
One of the interesting facts about these videos to me is that University of Phoenix produced and used challenge coin without the approval from the military just to trick veterans to believe that Department of Defense has looked and examined that organization and authorized them in some way to provide them with the
What I learned in the documentary called “The First Year” is the aspects of each teacher’s way they deal a classroom with students as first-timers. Especially when coming across to many challenges and the struggle they had during their first time ever as educators. Watching what lengths they will go to for the benefit of the students is admirable. The teachers who are into five separate schools in the Los Angeles area are known to be George Acosta who teaches English as a second language, Joy Kraft-Watts teaches high school history, Genevieve Debose teaches middle school language arts and social studies, Maurice Rabb teaches kindergarten, Nate Monley teaches fifth-grade bilingual education, and Andrew Glass teaches elementary special education.
Now, I’ve never been a terribly awful student. I was the kid that made honor roll every term, passed my tests, and was very well liked by my teachers. My problem was rooted within my attendance. I tried numerous options that varied from being enrolled in online school that gave me the option to work at my own pace, to applying for a program called Job Corps, where I would live on campus and be on a boot camp like schedule. Nothing worked, school just wasn’t for me. When I turned 16, I made the decision to not only drop my online classes, but also made the decision to stop calling my counselor for Job Corps. I was never encouraged to return to school until I moved to Wisconsin a year and a half after being out of school. You don’t realize how important that year and a half is until you return to public school as a junior with three and a half credits. My attendance when I moved here was much better with the encouragement from Niki and Dave Pohnl. They gave me the motivation to actually want to finish my schooling and for that, I am eternally grateful. I attended Logan high school for the last half of my junior year where I finished with seven and a half credits. Obviously, still not even close to what you need to graduate. So, they gave me the option to come to Western Technical College to attend a program that would lead to me taking four separate
In my last two years of highschool I duel enrolled St. Petersburg Community College, my local community college. In my senior year I decided to take online classes due to the very long drive to the nearest campus. I ended up taking Calculus with Analytic Geometry and two other classes online. My Calculus proffessor did not teach or provide any materiel to learn from other than the text book and homework questions. For the first quarter of the class I did well and completed all the assignments easily; however, the class got harder and the textbook no longer provided me with enough information to complete the assignments. I struggled through this part of the class and had a hard time mainting my grade which I wanted to keep as high as possible. After several trips to the campus for tutoring and spending hours trying to find other external resources I began to learn how to solve the problems and brought my grade back up and finally passed the class with an A.
School is like a temple where we get knowledge and developed our future. There are so many schools in this city, where each and every school has different qualities. I have been went Wyandotte High School about almost 4 years. There are qualities that need to change for it to be ideal learning environment in Wyandotte’s high school. Qualities that should change in WHS is uniforms, The things that should defiantly need to change are school start time and lunch.
Is your school perfect? Because we know ours isn’t. It’s time to stand up for changes and change your school! Floyd County High School has many changes that need to be made but three main changes. We need to switch to a year round schedule because when we are in school we focus more more when we go half a day. Now we notice that less hours will make us go more days but we’ll learn more. We also need to make our classrooms bigger for more interaction. Tieing into that we should create a middle school so we’ll have more space to interact. These are just a few changes we need to make to our school.
Although this is my second semester at Liberty University I have already completed the APOL and BIBL course which are required for my degree. As this would conclude the required Bible courses, I just hope to gain knowledge of a different aspect of the Bible. From my experience from the classes I have taken with Liberty University this far I realize that knowledge of the Bible is expected and I hope this course sets me up with more tools to complete various assignments. Through my prior courses this past summer I gained a refresher on things which I learned throughout high school and this course is something that I have actually never taken before. With it being new I just hope it brings insight into topics that are current and hopefully I
Through my experiences as a community board member, an 1199 officer, living within District 17 since 1984, and speaking with the residents of District 17, I have ascertained that there are several issues that disproportionately affect the district. The most prolific are in the areas of affordable housing, education, employment, corruption, and health care. In sum it is the long term neglect of social and economic needs of children, adults, seniors and veterans who reside within District 17. In order to tackle these issues, we need to come together to find innovative solutions for these problems. I have found that by getting the community involved the chances of success are much greater and, so, there must a course of action by which the constituents
I attended Braden River High school until I heard about the opportunity to participate in the dual enrollment program at SCF. I have always been motivated in school, but was ready for a new challenge. I started at State College of Florida my senior year of high school as a dual enrollment student. During my first semester, I took thirteen credit hours and earned a 4.0. The second semester I increased to fourteen credits and again earned a 4.0. By May I had earned twenty six college credits and retained a 4.0 Grade point average. I have always had a passion for school, so there was no chance that I wanted to take a summer break. In May, I enrolled as a non-degree seeking student so that I could continue going to State College of Florida until I received my high school transcripts. This summer I have earned another fourteen college credits and so far have maintained my 4.0 grade point average. I plan to attend State College of Florida in the fall and spring to earn my AA degree and then transfer to either University of Florida or Florida Atlantic University. I want to study microbiology and cell
This movie, The Classroom, which was very interesting to watch, discusses all that goes on in the school system, the good and the bad. But it also shows how things at home can affect the way the student acts during the school day. This movie definitely makes you look at students that act out differently, instead of punishing them maybe we should all look deeper into the issue and find a way for the student to thrive and use school as an outlet.
In response to the Gamewell Middle School student hazing, I never lost my patience or “cool” with these students and encouraged them to be inquisitive. I also told them if I did not know the answer, I would look it up. We even made a game out of the situation. If a student knew about at topic relevant to the curriculum that I did not, he or she was awarded extra credit for outsmarting the teacher. Internally, I was always nervous regarding whether or not I was good enough to be teaching this course, as it was out of my comfort zone. I also felt like to them it was a bit of a slap in the face as the majority of my students were North Carolinians; I did not feel I had the right to intrude on their territory when they knew much more about the
In my future, I would like to have a career in the medical field as either a radiologist or an anesthesiologist. I have decided to pursue this career since I have always loved science and enjoyed helping people.One of the most challenging things that have happened to me occurred last year. Before last year I attended Step of Faith Christian Academy I never went to public school or moved. Until the summer after my sophomore year when I moved to Georgia only half an hour away from my hometown in South Carolina. However, my credits did not transfer. Since this happened, at the beginning of my junior year I was entered into the computer system as a freshman. I went from having 14.5 credits to having 5.5. I was enrolled in South Effingham High School’s credit recovery program where I could take online classes at my own pass throughout the year in order to catch up.
I had to step up and work outside of the farm during the week to help with our household expenses. When I would be done with my workday, I also had to do my duty on the farm and help little where I could. All these factors hindered my participation in the classes. I did try to drop the class I took through UND but it was too late in the term to do so. I started the late drop procedure and things took longer than expected, and by the time I figured the steps that needed to be taken, the final was already handed out to the class. I ended up completely forgetting about the Tech course I was enrolled in through MSU, as it was a course that was done at your own speed.
As the semester started, I had set my mind that I was destined to achieve a lot. During the start of the semester, I had several difficulties writing English assignments especially in terms of grammar. During the first week of the semester, I sat down, organized my thoughts and comprehended that throughout the semester, I had to achieve all that I had planned for. As a student of English, I had planned that throughout the semester, I had to improve my skills as a scholar, writer and critical thinker. Now that the semester has ended, I can reflect all the semester activities to depict how my writing skills and critical thinking skills have drastically improved. This paper presents a reflection paper of how this