
Narcissist Personality Disorder

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Narcissism is a disorder which summed up is just only caring about yourself, but i'm not able to just sum it up like that am I :) . It is a personality disorder that leads you to be more interested into oneself then the surrounding people or anyone for that matter. This term came from the greek gods when one god fell in love with himself through a reflection. Traits are An obvious self-focus in interpersonal exchanges, problems in sustaining satisfying relationships, a lack of psychological awareness, and difficulty with empathy. This personality disorder is estimated to be in about 1% of the whole population. Most people just contain narcissistic traits, but the people who really do have Narcissist personality disorder are the ones who overlook …show more content…

The concept of excessive selfishness has been recognized throughout history. In ancient Greece the concept was understood as hubris. It is only more recently that narcissism has been defined in psychological terms. Healthy narcissism forms a constant, realistic self-interest and mature goals and principles and an ability to form deep relations to an something. Within psychology, there are two main branches of research into narcissism: clinical and social psychology. These approaches differ in their view of narcissism, with the former treating it as a disorder, thus as discrete, and the latter treating it as a personality trait, thus as a continuum. These two strands of research tend loosely to stand in a divergent relation to one another, although they converge in places. Self-regulation in narcissists involves such things as striving to make one’s self look and feel positive, special, successful and important. It comes in both intrapsychic, such as blaming a situation rather than self for failure, and interpersonal forms, such as using a relationship to serve one’s own self. Some differences in self-regulation between narcissists and non-narcissists can be seen with Campbell, Reeder, Sedikides] who conducted a study with two

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