
Narcissistic Personality Disorder Research Paper

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Narcissistic Personality Disorder Research Paper
By Jonathan Ilunga
Sonoma State University

This paper will aim to define narcissistic personality disorder as a whole. The document will cover the topics of symptoms, prevalence, and contributing factor. In addition to covering the general description of the disorder the paper will present a case study to provide a clearer image of the parameters of NPD. 2 scientific studies will be presented in order to offer empirical data regarding NPD and to add knowledge recently acquired through experimentation.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder Research Pa
In Greek mythology Narcissus was a handsome young hunter who was so captivated by his own reflection in a pool of …show more content…

These include limited reparenting(which centers in spotlighting and helping cope with issues during early development that may have led to mental problems), imagery, flashcards(in order for treatment to be maintained outside of the office), chair work, and a diary. These separate forms of psychotherapy are used together to promote empathy, introspection, and healthy coping methods in patients with NPD.( Young p.177)
Case Study: H
A prime poster boy for narcissistic personality disorder subject H was a middle aged Iranian man in the midst of drug rehabilitation. It is common for people with NPD to become dependent on substances due to their necessity to cope with inadequacy.(Donaldson-Pressman, The Narcissistic Family 1994) Like many people with NPD he was very handsome and held a demanding presence.(DSM) H’s symptoms were first noticed by his therapist during a group talk session. H was noted to recount stories of vicious spousal abuse (throwing his ex-wife out of a moving car in rage) and robberies he committed against family members at gunpoint, with a sense of pride and content. H’s therapist decided to see how he interacted with his parents in order to develop a better diagnosis. His therapist Stras describes the session:
“For two hours tonight, he sits in between his parents with his arms spread out and draped behind their backs. He holds the tops of each of their heads and they nod and blankly drone on about what a wonder and a gift

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