
Narcissistic Personality Disorder

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Many of those who take interest in Narcissism fail to see the line that draws between Narcissism itself and the other aspects of it, with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) being one of them. At what point does narcissism become a disorder? What other types of narcissism branch out from this misunderstood behavior? Many insights on narcissistic people differ from a narcissist's own perception and how the narcissist thinks he or she is being perceived? Are there other ways of understanding narcissism more? These are the points to be touched on in defining narcissism more clearly. Narcissism, apart from NPD, is a behavior that involves thinking highly of one's self without any sense of shame, comes in the form of many constructs like Grandiose …show more content…

The difference between the two is that narcissistic people are very confident and have no sense of shame, while those with NPD have very low self-esteem, though they try to hide it. The latter is easily hurt by criticisms. NPD is also a construct or form of Narcissism (Campbell & Miller, 2014). Other known constructs of narcissism are Grandiose and Vulnerable Narcissism. Both constructs are present in the NPD construct and may show traits of the other. According to Kreger (2012), the differences between the two lie on their etiology, basic traits, attachment styles, relationship styles, psychopathology, and behavioral outcomes; but generally in their levels of sensitivity. Grandiose narcissists are less sensitive to criticisms compared to the weaker and more sensitive vulnerable narcissists (Campbell & Miller, …show more content…

These models serve as specific approaches to finding answers to specific questions on this behavior. Some of the most important models are the Structural/Traits Models, Functional/ Self-Regulatory/ System Models, and Causal Models. The three differ in terms of their focus. Primary models focus on the idea of narcissism as a "collection of more basic traits." System models focus on the narcissist himself or herself and how he or she regulates in intrapsychic and social environments; while causal models focus on the narcissists environment, culture, development, genes, and evolution. Specific models may answer specific question but all models are needed in order to fully understand the development of narcissism (Narcissism,

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