
Narcissism Affects The Mind Of The Human Body

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Many people struggle with mental illnesses they can not control which we call disorders. Almost all psychological disorders have an effect on the way a person thinks or view themselves. In particular, the disorder narcissism widely affects the mind of the human body. The life of someone struggling with this disorder goes through different aspects such as, symptoms, causes and treatments. Narcissism is one of many personality disorders that can cause a person to react differently in situations that occur. This personality disorder can be defined as the attraction to one’s self.

Narcissism is first derived from the Greek myth which reflects on a young man named Narcissus who knows he is beautiful. He rejects all men and woman because he feels …show more content…

A narcissistic personality can be harmful in areas of life, relationships, work, and school. All narcissist are very vulnerable and emotional. In the life of a narcissist, they easily experience shame, anger, and rage. As humans we all judge and provide feedback to others, however, narcissists do not react to this well. Negative feedback from someone else can cause huge problems for both the narcissist and that person. There are two types of narcissist's: grandiose and vulnerable. Grandiose narcissists have high self esteems and are arrogant. It is easier for a grandiose narcissist to cope with situations. As for vulnerable narcissists, they have low self esteems, are more aggressive and become very upset when not given what they believe they deserve (Freis, 2015, p.879). In life, vulnerable narcissist are easily bothered by judgements and show rage to cope with situations. Forming a relationship with a narcissist is difficult because you are expected to give them the attention they feel they deserve. You are also unable to share your own opinions in fear they will get easily emotional. In a work environment, it is hard to cope with a narcissist while giving directions and feedback. Almost all relationships with narcissists are hard to maintain and destroyed easily because of their behavior. Narcissism will continue to be a major problem for the one experiencing …show more content…

My relationship with my boyfriend would be centered around myself and my wants and needs. I would make sure to always come before him and every conversation we engaged in would be about myself. This could destroy our relationship and any of our future goals. When it comes to work, I may not have a good paying job because of my behavior and the inability to receive orders and accept criticism, but might be able work in a less social environment. When around family it would be difficult talk about how their lives are progressing because I may not be

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