
Narrative Essay About My Summer Day

Decent Essays

Hi everyone, I will be talking about what I did this summer. This could take a while because to tell you I been on heck of a journey. Well with that being said let me remember want I was doing when school was let out! Instead of sitting on the computer with no lights on, I went places. The first place I went to was Denver, Colorado; unfortunately I did not go to Colorado until it was the middle of my Summer Vacation. The drive to Colorado was very long and at some points were very boring. When we got to our hotel, we were greeted by people and asked if we needed our bags carried up to our room. They also said they would go park our car and if we ever needed it we just had to give them call. I was very surprised by this as I have never seen people do this at the hotels we usually booked. Once we got to our room and unpacked, I went to the top floor and looked out the window to see the overview of the city. I looked down and saw I was up very high. I also realized that the air was a bit different then here in Winner. I will say everything was amazing except for the fact that they gave us two water bottles, which you think would be free, but no they charged $6.00 for both! The other thing was the pool…it was only 4 feet deep! I mean come on! If you are staying at a good hotel that charges you bottled water in our rooms, I would expect more than just that! As a family we went sightseeing, which was really fun to do, especially driving through the Eisenhower Tunnel, which is the

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