
Narrative Essay About Soccer

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“One, two, three goals? Dang Eve, you’re getting pretty good at this.” Her father also known as her soccer coach said. “I bet that I can get one more.” Eve said challenging her father. “Okay let’s see you do that.”
She jogged back out onto the field and was at the ready on the line for the second half to start. Three, two, one. The half started and she was after the ball, proceeding with all the adrenaline in her body. That faster she sprinted, the closer she was to her goal, the ball, she was ready to show her coach how swiftly she could complete her next goal. The ball was in between her feet on the opponents’ side of the field and she was getting her mind-set ready to score when she was flattened by one of the opposing team’s …show more content…

What do you think happened?” “This is not a time to be sardonic, what really happened?” “I was bulldozed by one of the other team’s player’s, and my knee is in maximal pain and it feels just hunky-dory. Can you get me off the field any time soon?” Eve uttered, feeling a bit pressured, due to her injury discontinuing the game. Her coach held out his hand and let her rest on his arm until she was ultimately off the field and able to get a handle on her newest problem.
As she took a seat on the bench, she was green with envy of those who were able to play on the field, she wanted to be the one out there scoring all the goals or, at least, helping with the passing. She wasn’t the one who just sat on the bench, she was the one who rarely came off the field, this was a new all-time low for her. Eve felt as if she was a helpless person since she couldn’t be out on the field lending a hand to her team.
One of the assistant coaches showed up with a bag of ice and it seemed as if it could be for someone’s head. She situated it on her leg, which was propped up next to her on the bench and iced her knee away, slowly it made the pain go into a numb state and that was one of the most first-rate things, that had happened since she was brought

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