
Narrative Essay On Kid Murder

Decent Essays

“Hello—is this the uh, anonymous police tip line? I think I have some information regarding the murder of that kid, two days ago. You have to understand, I – well, I wasn’t in my right mind. An unreliable witness they’d call me, but I’m fairly sure of what I saw. There were four guys - no five – darting from the alley that he (Andy) was found in. I don’t remember the time, it was probably around eleven. Anyways, they came out of there looking smug and I heard one yell “That’s for you Royal”. I’m not sure exactly what it meant, but that’s what was said. I could have helped him, I saw him and I thought nothing of it. Of course, alcohol was involved. It was a rough night. I didn’t even recall what happened until it came back to me while the

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