
Narrative On Dyslexia

Decent Essays

From as far back as I can remember I have felt “bullied”. I began school at Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton and I always felt out of place and “different” The primary way of teaching a subject there was to have an inner active test with competitions between students. In one game you had to get answers correct in order to gain points and get your name at the top of the list that would be sprawled across the top of the board. This board was my first “bully” I rarely seemed to get my name even ON the board and never at the top. I spent three years crying everyday and begging my Mom to let me stay home. My mom was sad because I was always upset. My parents worked so hard to make it better and then my mom decided to make a change. I heard my parents talking about public school and I was so excited I thought it was the answer to my problems. I headed off to Keller Harvel with a new attitude and was ready to feel “normal.” That’s when it all began.. I started Keller Harvel in kindergarten and I had the best teacher ever. My teacher’s name was …show more content…

My parents had to meet with the principle , counselor and my teacher. My mom said it was the hardest meeting she ever had. This was the day they used the word Dyslexia. Dyslexia was my biggest “bully” ever! I began getting tested everyday and pulled in and out of class. I thought something was wrong with me. I met my dyslexia teacher Mrs.Cox and I loved her so much. Mrs. Cox totally understood the things that confused me and gave me solutions and ways to solve problems. I was given special attention and help when I felt frustrated. I finally started to realize that my learning curve was not the “bully” I had made it out to be but a challenge that I would soon learn to handle and have patience with. I know I still get frustrated and some days are harder than others, but I no longer feel “bullied” but understand that I am just different and that is ok. We are all different in some

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