
College Essay About Dyslexia

Decent Essays

Students with severe reading problems which of these procedures would you be most likely to use in your classroom for program planning, individual program development, and progress measurement there are 16 of these foundational skills in total. Weaknesses in these skills are usually referred to as dyslexia or dyslexia related. However the term dyslexia is only a blanket term and is not specific. It only means that a reading disability exists. which can help you determine where the problem areas are Reading is a difficult process. The brain must be doing several things at once in order to make sense out of the written word. Many things can go wrong when a student is learning to read. Kids who struggle with reading struggle with life. If there …show more content…

You prime the brain and learning systems for optimal learning first. Then you start working on the actual reading skills such as decoding.
Most poor readers look at the first syllable or two of a word and start sounding it out. However, for some reason, this is as far as they can get, and from there they start guessing. For instance, the word dignity may be read as digital by the student. This is not an accurate method to read and causes a lot of problems, especially with comprehension. I find a lot of people are seeking help with reading comprehension problems. These problems are caused because the student is working so hard to decode that comprehension is simply out of the question. Fix the fundamental problems and reading comprehension will come.
Again, as with all right brain dominant children, using color can be a helpful tactic. Have the student sound out a decoding unit (small section of a word) that is in color. The right side of the brain is attracted to color. This busies the right brain and allows the left brain to work.
You can also use pictures. Pictures are primarily right brain. Combine pictures with the words a student is trying to learn. This integrates both brain hemispheres. Find out more about mixed

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