
Narrative Speech For Springboard

Decent Essays

I don’t think that there could be a person with a more love/hate relationship with writing than I have it. After a long series of trials and tribulations a girl who loved writing was turned into a young adult who fled from writing like her life depended on it. Let’s start at the beginning. As a child, I loved books. I would read every single day. When asked what I wanted to be when I grew up I said librarian, at the time believing that it was librarians that wrote books. (I mean how else would they just magically appear in the library?) I soon forgot about that dream in pursuit of other obviously more realistic dreams like being a pop star, but I still cared about writing and loved language arts class. My elementary writing teachers would tell me that they loved my writing and that I should be an author. Enter Mr. Hatcher. Mr. Hatcher was my seventh grade Honors English teacher. He didn’t put a lot of time or effort into planning lessons and every single day we had to do SpringBoard. Every. Single. Day. All. We. Did. Was. SpringBoard. Since you are a college professor I’m not exactly sure on your knowledge of SpringBoard so here’s a quick spiel. It was required by Common Core and made by College Board and its purpose was to suck the souls out of young tweens. I quickly grew to hate English class. We would do what SpringBoard would call “Embedded Assessments” and they instantly became the dread of every student in my class. I don’t think there was a way to be successful

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