In the past twenty years, the United States media has transformed from a broadcasting to a narrowcasting media. Each method has its unique differences, with one being the amount of bias from each source. Narrowcasting specifically, can greatly affect the media’s ability to influence public opinion. Broadcasting is media programming that focuses on many genres of television. For instance, on a broadcasting channel, you can watch a drama, comedy, and news all in the same day. The three broadcasting networks, known as “The Big 3”, are ABC, NBC, and CBS. When these broadcasting channels present news, they want to stay as close to the middle of the political spectrum as possible. The goal of a broadcasting channel is to appeal to everyone and the more neutral, fact-based information released, the more views “The Big 3” will get, resulting in more money. However, narrowcasting is media programming that is focused on a particular audience. Examples of narrowcasting networks include C-SPAN, ESPN, Fox News, and CNN. ESPN stands for Entertainment and Sports Programming Network so they specialize in sports news and cater to the sports audience. Unlike broadcasting, narrowcasting will not try to appeal to the majority of Americans, so it can lean left or right on political issues and interject slightly more opinions. …show more content…
As stated above, narrowcasting networks appeal to one type of audience, allowing the networks to add opinions into their reports to keep that one audience interested. For instance, CNN, also known as Cable News Network, is known for being more liberal whereas Fox News leans more conservative. This creates bias because if you watch CNN news today, for example, Donald Trump will be portrayed as an evil being. However, Fox News is known for saying Trump is an outstanding, fantastic president. Depending on the news network you watch and/or read will affect the opinion of President
Technology has forever changed the way we receive our news and has irreversibly changed the landscape of the media. The growth of cable television and the shift from television to the internet have facilitated the growth of both infotainment and narrowcasting. The main question that we’re asking today is how both infotainment and narrowcasting have an impact on politics in America. To better understand this question, we must first know what infotainment and narrowcasting are.
For example, both news networks tend to politicize mass shootings in an effort to push gun legislation. These networks use emotion and try to guilt Americans into supporting stricter gun laws instead of just reporting facts. Not only do both these media outlets try to push its liberal agenda, CNN and MSNBC also try to diminish its opponents. Americans need to look no further than the way both news networks portray the republican presidential candidates during the presidential debates to see the obvious bias mainstream media and cable news networks have. CNN and MSNBC try to push this belief that all republicans are just old. rich, and white men. This belief could not be further from the truth. Prior to dropping out of the presidential race, Marco Rubio was the youngest candidate and also Cuban. Ben Carson is African-American as well as an accomplished neurosurgeon. As much as mainstream media would like Americans to believe this faulty stereotype about republicans, these assumptions are completely
Viewers are starting to realize that media bias is very prominent in the news, especially in today’s political climate. Due to the fact that there is so much bias in the media, viewers easily can tell whether a news channel is conservative or liberal. The viewer should not even know the political stance of a news broadcasting network. Although many look to the news to validate their opinions, many would rather be provided with just facts. Viewers are beginning to become more open minded and are giving their attention to media outlets who are more factual. People are now watching other news outlets rather than watching major networks, who have biased content. Bias and groupthink in the media should be eliminated because viewers are making a shift from biased news outlets to more factual news
The media are bias mainly because news sources all have their own political agendas they’re trying to push. There are Republican news sources and Democratic news sources that people watch to gather information they want to hear. Although the information given out can be true, it can be one-sided as well and not show all viewpoints to a story. The media have been bias for a while and will continue to be biased because the media wants the audience to have the same beliefs as them. In a video from Stossel in the Classroom, Are You A Biased TV Viewer?, Bernie Goldberg, a CBS insider, explains that there is biased in the media and it is mostly liberal. Bernie Goldberg came out with a book named “Bias” in 1996 explaining that there is bias in the media and being a CBS insider, he obviously knows something the people don’t. Goldberg lost many friends during the release of his book because his colleagues knew the truth, but do not want to admit that the media shows
An important yet under-discussed issue for our time is the media bias. Everyday free speech is broadcasted across the world but with underlying agendas of communication companies. Many broadcasts engage in the assaulting of political candidates or display of tragedies to prompt viewers to believe the media states the exact truth. However, a majority of people do not decipher the tone and mood of the channels and papers which secretly distribute the opinions of the news company rather than solely the news.
During this week I investigated many different news sources and different tactics they use. My research has shown the incredibly strong bias that the media has. To get a full grasp of the biases I had to use source diversity. My sources ranged from social media, to television, to web-based articles. Through my research, I discovered the effective and prevalent uses of loaded language, social media, sensationalism, bias in quotes, and the role of gatekeepers in media.
The media is lying to our faces while pushing their own opinions onto the groups that they have influence over. This statement might sound insane but an overwhelming number of Americans believe that the media is not being completely honest with the information that they are reporting. Media bias may not seem like a hard-hitting issue but it can become extremely dangerous in the right circumstances. Media bias becomes a dangerous weapon when politicians use it as a tactic to get the upper hand in a situation. Often, this situation involves the presidential elections and other high ranking official elections. In almost every presidential election there are reports where party officials often accuse certain networks of favoritism towards one party
Viewers rely on the media to inform them about what is going on in the world. Just like people, however the news industry has different biases. Which is why two different news channels will tell a different story on what is based on the same
Media bias is a topic that has been in great focus of many political leaders over the past few presidential elections. However, what many people fail to see is that media bias has been around since the beginning of major news companies. Most Americans do not know what media bias is or how to identify it. That stated many people have noticed that most news stations are biased towards one religion, political party or even gender. This has been like this for decades however has become much more prominent during major wars, the great depression and many social and political reforms such as the industrial era or the civil rights era. However the type of bias has been shifted mostly from a war focus and the focus on exposing corruption to
When you think of politics today in America, what is the first thing that pops into your head? If you’re like me, your first thought was about Hilary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and Donald Trump. Your second thought might be about the major hot button issues in the United States today, such as Health Care, Immigration Reform, and Gun Control. Whether you’re like me or not, I’ve noticed one thing during this presidential race that cannot be avoided: media biases. The media today is a major part of politics, and often times is who we look to when deciding what candidate we want to vote for. Media biases involving politics, in my opinion, should not exist because it is unethical.
Media has been playing a significant role in our daily lives by developing our personalities, enriching our knowledge and providing us with different sorts of information. It has a tremendous power in framing cultural guidelines and shaping political dissertation. If the information provided to the U.S. citizens is distorted, then they cannot make informed decisions on the matters of public policy. Thus, it becomes vital to the American democracy that the news media and its institutions remain unbiased, fair and accurate. Media bias happens when a media systematically and persistently emphasize one particular point of view that is usually below the standards of professional journalism. There can be various reasons for media bias, some of
In today’s society, remaining connected and knowledgeable of current events and the newest trends is vital to staying ahead in business, education, and social standing. This information is supplied to everyone through the internet, newspapers, television, and radio. One can tune into stations such as CNN, NBC, Fox News, Al-Jazeera, and many others (“SQs of Media Outlets”). In order to meet the needs of viewers, readers, and listeners, the ideal media system would contain accurate, quick information, with a purely impartial view on the facts as they are known. However, this modern media system has not maintained an objective view, pushing opinionated and slanted reporting onto the population in order to create profit and gain customers. The exploitation of information media for personal gain has created a toxic and inaccurate present, constant in today’s society.
It is commonly known that media coverage of anything controversial can be faulty, and biased. ABC News and CCN News could cover the same story, in different ways. This is amplified in cases that affect different audiences (as in age, race, financial class), because certain stations are aimed towards a certain audience. A great example of this is FOX and FOX Latino. The two stations, though sister stations, have very different approaches on certain topics, one being illegal immigration. FOX tends to be very biased, while FOX Latino gives direct facts.
One of the easiest ways to see the influence of media bias is through the election season. Political propaganda has a major effect on potential voters during this time because of the magnitude of the event. There was a study done in 2007 that discovered that Fox News, who is known to be republican bias, had convinced 3% to 28% of their listeners to vote republican (Knight, Chiang, 2008). On the reverse side, readers of the primarily democratic Washington Post’s probability to vote democrat, increased by 8% (Knight, Chiang, 2008). What this shows is that in a
There are many different hidden truths in the media that people do not know about due to the fact that the media emphasizes on just one particular point of view. Throughout the years, people have been biased in the media and the reason as to why this happens is that people choose to lean on one side such as republican, democrat, libertarian, or conservative. To be biased means to only be on one side of an argument or situation and only favor more of what one person has to say. There are a variety of different news channels in which they all tend to lean more on one side, there is not a single news channel that is on the same side as another. There are many current events that have multiple contentious between other news channels. The viewers