
Nasogastric Tube Essay

Decent Essays

After verifying the physician’s order to discontinue a nasogastric tube, according to the Fundamentals of Nursing, next the nurse should auscultate the abdomen to note baseline bowel sounds (Hall, Perry, Potter, Stockert, 2013). This assessment serves as a means of reference. Once the nurse performs patient identification, he or she should explain to the patient that discontinuation of the nasogastric tube is less discomforting than the insertion process (Hall, Perry, Potter, Stockert, 2013). As explained by The Fundamentals of Nursing, providing patient education will help decrease anxiety as well as aiding in cooperation from the patient (Hall, Perry, Potter, Stockert 2013). The current policy does not discuss removing the tube from the drainage collection device or turning off suction prior to discontinuation. As soon as the nurse places a chux or towel on the chest of the patient, next he or she should power the suction off, (if suction was indicated) and disconnect the nasogastric tube from the drainage collection device (Hall, Perry, Potter, Stockert, 2013). Upon completion of discontinuing the nasogastric tube, the nurse must discard gloves and ensure adequate hand hygiene (Hall, Perry, Potter, Stockert, 2013). These steps discussed should be added for best practice, as they are not currently within Adena’s policy. …show more content…

By implementing these recommendations the policy will be up to date. The safety, quality, and outcomes of patient care will improve. Recommendations for evidence based practice

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