
Nasw Code Of Ethics In Social Work

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Social work is a vast field that encompasses many different job positions and caters to an array of people. Each individual entering the field has a unique reason for choosing their specific discipline. One of the fields of social work includes Substance Abuse and Addiction Specialist. This particular area of focuses on a unique population with very specific needs. The NASW Code of Ethics is a document that provides guidelines for when complicated situation arise. It also includes a set of values that social workers are to abide by.
Key Components of the Social Work Profession The mission of the social work profession is rooted in a set of core values, one of which is dignity and worth of the person. As stated in the NASW Code of Ethics …show more content…

LCAS’ work with clients to assess their situations and help them come to the realization of their own problems. This is of the upmost importance. Before a solution is reached the client must first want to change and for change to ensue, the client must understand fully comprehend their current state. Social works lift up the client and are with them every step of the way, providing their assistance when necessary. Group therapy is a resource a social worker may suggest for a client depending on their specific predicament. Programs like 12 step can be very beneficial and provide new perspective. According to the US National Library of Medicine, “12-Step mutual support programs represent readily available, no cost community-based resources for such individuals” (Donovan, Ingalsbe, Benbow, & Daley, 2013). In addition, group theory allows the client to interact with individuals going through similar scenarios and may even develop meaningful relationships that could assist them through …show more content…

Through service, addiction specialists help their clients to find further support by putting them in contact with programs like alcohol anonymous, narcotics anonymous, or a treatment center. Specialists may inform the client of a program, such as, clean needle exchange that they did not previously know existed and could greatly benefit from. Through the extended services provided by the social worker, the client would then have access to more resources that aid in the recovery process, hopefully resulting in success. In addition, social workers are careful to be sensitive and gentle when dealing with this specific population. Specialists treat their clients who suffer from addiction with dignity and respect, and not like a degenerate. Individuals who suffer from addiction often have a distorted reality of themselves, thinking they are insufficient humans because of the stigma placed on addicts. LCAS’ fight to break down the stigma and repair the damaged addict into a confident and sound

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