
What Is The Environment A National Security Issue

Decent Essays

National and international security threats are typically perceived as conflict between nations or populations of people and are addressed with military strategies. However, as security is defined as … (Define security) not all threats emanate from nations in conflict. The environment, for example, can threaten the safety of people, and therefore becomes and national security issue. Brown (1977) states “…threats to security may now arise less from the relationship of nation to nation and more from the relationship of man to nature” (p. 5). Homer-Dixon (1991) says “A number of scholars have recently asserted that large-scale human-induced environmental pressures may seriously affect national and international security” (p. ???). Kaplan (2000) takes this idea a step further and asserts that not only is the environment a national security concern, but it is “the national-security issue of the early twenty-first century” (p. 19). Climate change is a security issue, as it “threatens to wreak havoc on the natural processes that nurture life.”
Examples of the environment as a national security issue: (Deforestation, air pollution, species extinction, oil spills, untreated sewage, etc.): Homer-Dixon (1999) gives examples of how environmental issues threaten security: “Deforestation increases the scarcity of forest resources, water pollution increases the scarcity of clean water, and climate change increases the scarcity of the regular patterns of rainfall and temperature on

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