
National Honor Society Essay Examples

Decent Essays

I am heavily honored to act as a candidate to serve as a member of National Honor Society among other superb and hardworking students. I have been waiting for this day to validate my hard work and eligibility for this honor. National Honor Society greatly promotes our school and environment. I believe that I will give the assistance and support to further the prestigious imprint. Notably, I possess the nature of excellent character, scholarship, leadership, and service abilities to exceedingly develop more and exhibit to my peers. National Honor Society recognizes students who attribute remarkably brilliant grades, which I currently believe to respectively possess a cumulative weighted 102% GPA. I have been attending advanced and honor classes tracing from the 7th grade in Benavente Middle School which I fully credit for greatly preparing me for present day high school honors courses. Furthermore, to my academic success, I participated in many scholastic competitions such as Trivia, Spelling Bees, and Essay contests. My grades are one of my top priorities along with my character and attitude that will promote my future after high school. …show more content…

Most of the time, I act as the leader in many activities such as group projects and class events. Additionally, I currently tend to the job of secretary of the sophomore class of 2020 with diligence and in an organized manner. Moreover, being a leader possesses more to its aspect because it is not only a role, but a lifestyle. Living this certain way assisted me in constructing my character and formed me into loyal, empathetic, accountable, determined, encouraging, respectful, selfless, honorable, innovative, and passionate student. In fact, it’s not about leading, it’s about serving our fellow peers to rise by lifting each other

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