I believe anything is possible if you set your mind to it, and I live by this motto daily. Ever since I was ten years old and I made my first local little league team’s all star team, I knew I wanted to play baseball for as long as I could. I am thankful I have been offered the opportunity to play baseball beyond the high school level and am enjoying the college selection process. For my first visit to Kalamazoo College in July, I fell in love with the small school within the big town atmosphere. Once I walked onto Woodworth Field and walked around in the outfield grass, I knew this could be my home for the next four years of my life. Going to a great college has been a goal of mine throughout my life. When I was six months of age, I was diagnosed with severe to profound hearing loss and fit with my first pair of hearing aids. Throughout the years I have learned how to accommodate myself to achieve my goals with my hearing impairment. I am an Honor Student and member of the National Honor Society, The …show more content…
I was one of those when I was growing up. I struggled with speaking due to my hearing loss at a young age, and I was often bullied as a result of my bright blue and green hearing aid molds. People and programs that “pay it forward” like the Sertoma Speech and Hearing Center, the Peer Ministers at my High School and, The Windy City Thunderbolts really helped me grow out of my shoes and become the individual that I am today. I could not be a member of the National Honor Society or be playing college baseball without the support of my parents, teachers and former classmates who are role models. I want to inspire one kid who had to endure hardships like I did, that he too can be whomever he wants to be in his
For the past four years I have been an active member of the GCAA Honor Society Club.
I believe that I would be a good representative for the National Junior Honor Society because I represent the five qualities of a member of the organization: scholarship, leadership, service, citizenship, and character. I have leadership skills from programs like Girl Scouts, softball, and Student Council. I’ve volunteered in many service projects including Christmas bags for foster children, playing piano at a hospice center, volunteering at a food bank, teaching brownies (2nd to 3rd graders) how to camp at a Girl Scout camp, passing out flowers to rooms in a hospice center, and passing out care packages to the homeless. I have amazing citizenship skills such as following rules and laws in not only the classroom but in my community, teaching
Thank you for my invitation to be a member of the Horseheads Chapter of the National Honor Society; I consider it a tremendous honor. It motivates me to continue to excel and succeed in my education and in life. I believe that I have exceptional character, as well as a satisfactory service history. I admit that my leadership qualities need work, but my exposure to others in the National Honor Society will help. I trust that I would be an excellent inductee to the National Honor Society, since I always strive to be the best person that I can be and commit 110 percent into all my obligations.
After first becoming a member of four honor societies, I was reluctant to believe that community service and volunteering was “rewarding” and “inspiring”, as the honor society veterans claimed. It was my conviction that volunteering with these honor societies was time-consuming and obligatory. But after several years of participation in these societies, I learned that such endeavors are anything but the two; community service and volunteering has not only been a reminiscent and nostalgic experience for me but has played a pivotal role in my decision to study under a field of engineering in college. My participation in the Science National Honor Society, in particular, has had the most profound impact on me as an aspiring engineer and a once
Baseball has been so much more than just a passion and sport for me. It has taught me life lessons and given me the determination to succeed in whatever I do in
I think my excellence and requirements are perfect for being a member of the National Honor Society. I show great leadership and service inside and outside of school. I think it would be such an honor to be a part of such a great society. I feel as if I would be a great addition to the N.H.S. My character is also outstanding because I always try to stay positive and help people out.
Receiving the letter of candidacy for this prestigious society is now giving me the opportunity to express myself in different ways. By becoming a member of the National Honor Society I will
Scholarship, leadership, character, and service; also known as the four pillars to the National Honor Society. I believe that I have the necessary qualities that would help strengthen these pillars if given a membership. The National Honor Society helps our community through its volunteer work and its other beneficial activities. Being a part of this organization would let myself become part of the impact that it is leaving, and better myself as a person.
I am deeply honored to be one of the students who are being considered for the Math and Science Academy chapter of the National Honor Society. Being a part of NHS has been something that I have been looking forward to ever since I got into high school. I know a few people who were or are in this society, and they are always telling me how rewarding it is to be a part of such a remarkable organization. Currently, as a sophomore, I feel that the past year of high school has enormously shaped my character; improved my leadership skills; challenged me academically; and
I was surprised to see that I was qualified for the National Honors Society Scholarship, however I felt as if it was going to be hard to “brag” about myself. I thought long and hard on who I am as a person and I have to say that I have many leadership, character, and service qualities.
When looking within myself and upon my projected future, I can only think of the many opportunities that led me here. Along with time and dedication put into my instilled values I grew and molded myself into a fully capable citizen. Under the surface of my persona lies an organization that greatly contributed to the blossoming of my capability. This organization that instilled service, scholarship, character, and leadership within my being was the National Honor Society. From a very young age, I developed a passion for learning and absorbing as much as I could each day. The National Honor Society helped me to recognize that the trait of scholarship was something that I grew up with. While learning and expanding as a young adult, I made it a
Some of my friends that I played select baseball with go to Lincoln Lutheran High School and they invited me to come and play baseball with their team. I decided that I wanted to continue playing baseball, so I began playing baseball for Lincoln Lutheran. Being a part of a baseball team again made me feel
Trying out for the baseball team my freshman year of high school was a decision that I was apprehensive about at first.
Baseball is a passion that began for me when I was 5 years old being amazed by dirt clouds when sliding into home plate. My collegiate experience at Berkeley, established through athletic scholarships, was informed by baseball and the commitment required for participation in such a program. The sport has taken me all over the world. I have been to Japan, as part of the World Baseball Games to Texas, as a professional player and everywhere in between including Wilmer, Minnesota where I lived next to a turkey slaughterhouse that employed primarily East African refugees. Passion for the game has influenced my personal code toward discipline, perseverance, and optimism in that I always look forward to the next opportunity no matter what has happened
My parents fought to come to this country and seek new opportunities. They have learned the labor and determination it takes to survive. With that learned, they have instilled these values to be a part of my character and also taught me to always do my utmost best in school and give when possible. I have been in the honor roll for as long as I can remember and was also offered the opportunity to skip third grade, where I scored a 600 in the math section of the CST. I recognize that I have not participated in many activities or volunteer work, but it is something that I want to change this year and in the years following. These principles have helped shape me into the person I am now, a diligent and caring young scholar. I am confident that