
National Security Strategy Analysis Paper

Decent Essays

Just as the world’s geopolitical climate ebbs and flows, so does the National Security Strategy of the United States. Over the past fifteen years or so the United States’ foreign policy and security focus has been largely directed toward Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, and Syria, with an intent directed at stabilizing the region. The National Security Strategy of 2015 continues to emphasize the need to combat terrorism and the role the United States will play in the fight against al-Qa’ida, ISIL, and their affiliates. More recently however an old and familiar face has surged back into the limelight and garnered the attention of United States strategists and policymakers. While the 2015 National Security Strategy lacks directly identifying any …show more content…

To the surprise of many in the Obama administration, the newly appointed Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Dunford was asked during his confirmation hearing what he felt was the greatest concern to the United States national security; he responded, "My assessment today, senator, is that Russia presents the greatest threat to our national security". Over the past few years Russia’s aggression in the Ukraine, specifically Crimea, and more recently their intervention in Syria has thrown a proverbial wrench and imbalance in the strategy of the United States and how it deals with Russia. This paper will attempt to analyze the United States’ policy toward Russia based on the National Security Strategic of 2015, and more specifically determine the balance of the United States strategy using Lykke’s criteria of suitability, feasibility, adaptability …show more content…

As a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, Russia maintains a large influence in the United States’ ability to promote and maintain peace and stability throughout the world. It maintains interests that have significant impacts on all of the United States areas of interest through out the world. Geographically, it borders Asia, Europe, and the Middle East and maintains an influence on each of these areas of United States international interest. Less we forget that Russia also maintains the largest nuclear arsenal in the world with the capability to destroy the United States. In General Dunford’s confirmation hearing, he addressed the nuclear concern of Russia by stating, “ In Russia we have a nuclear power that not only has the capability to violate the sovereignty of our allies to do things that are inconsistent with our national interests, but they’re in the process of doing so. Russia posses an existential threat to the U.S., and its behavior is nothing short of alarming” (CJCS Confirmation 2015); General Dunford’s statement highlighting the recent Russian invasion into the Ukraine and subsequent annexation of Crimea

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