
National Socialist Ideology

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In more than 70 years after the World War 2, we have been spoon fed with the lies of the Allied Powers regarding the Axis Powers, particularly about Nazi Germany (Or should I say, NS Germany)..Lies about their evil intentions evil deeds evil everything blah blah, and that Adolf Hitler is evil and his ideology also evil blah blah. Maybe now its the chance for us to learn the truth about what is really the nature of Hitler's ideology and why is it consigned for destruction by the forces of the dark - the Allies.
As a National Socialist myself, I have been telling others what really happened during the existence of NS Germany. Now its time for me to tell you here in DWWOM what is the true nature …show more content…

The National Socialist ideology respects culture as the manifestation of the National Community to forge their own identity and their destiny, according to the National Socialist ideology if culture is not upheld or protected, then how the people who hold that culture will be able to create an identity and a destiny for their race, especially if it was important for the development of their nation? A nation lost to itself will not be able to go forward, that is why the National Socialist ideology will protect and uphold culture, while respecting other's …show more content…

Hitler said that National Socialism is the only ideology which is capable of bringing people of different races together (example is the 10 million non whites in the German Army). NS ideology is not racist nor against any non white race, on the contrary, why? Lets look at the word ARYAN, the meaning of Aryan in Sanskrit is "Noble One" which i a definition based on character and not on genetic traits itself. In short Aryans can originate from any race, it is not just a white privilege, because Aryans can be all over the world. I honestly think that our own Jose Rizal and Ferdinand Marcos are both Aryans, because the trait of an Aryan is heroism, sacrifice, no fear and lover of truth. The soldiers of SS says an oath that includes these words: "We must acknowledge and love God by respecting animals, plants, children and people of other races". NS ideology is not a racist ideology. Its objective is to uphold the quality of its own race while respecting other races and expecting other races to do the same for their own benefit too. The main logic of this idea is that in the blood, the cultural memory is stored, if people who holds the same culture bred together then their culture will continue to exist with their children and so on. If not, then the culture will be lost to obscurity..There is nothing racist or evil in upholding the

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