
Natural Disasters And Urbanization On Foreign Aid For Basic Resources

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INTRODUCTION Ethiopia faces detrimental consequences from an unstable agricultural system and has become dependent on foreign aid for basic resources. Efforts must be made in Ethiopia to both prevent and reverse the negative effects that both natural disasters and urbanization have had on the health, environment, and economy of this third-world country. Although the country is continuing to make improvements to become educated on more modern and efficient farming techniques, more progress is needed to augment the country’s agricultural productivity and better provide for the growing population. By researching this particular country, other third world countries may be able to implement similar approaches to solve poverty and malnutrition in comparable environments. ENVIRONMENTAL Ethiopia’s potential to be an active participant in global trade stems from its abundance of natural resources such as bamboo, oilseeds, corn and coffee. Kassahun Embaye, the Science Coordinator for the Millennium Villages Project of Ethiopia (MVP), suggests using native bamboo forests to increase land productivity and reverse the effects of land degradation. As a source of food, building materials, energy, and medicine, bamboo could improve the health, security, and overall well-being of Ethiopians. Because this natural resource is already readily-available in Ethiopia, it has the potential to solve the environmental crisis in Ethiopia, as well as helping with other issues like natural

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