
Nazareth University: A Case Study Summary

Decent Essays

An Ongoing Journey to Institutionalize Engaged Scholarship, Teaching & Service:
The Case Study of Nazareth College

Dr. Jennifer S.A. Leigh

In 2013 Nazareth College located in Rochester, NY was awarded the Presidential Award for Community Service, based largely on an innovative education summer program for urban youth that included service-learning classes. In the same year this program was terminated and service-learning faculty had to advocate in order to maintain a director level for the Center for Service Learning. These paradoxical events indicate the ongoing opportunities and challenges for institutionalizing engaged learning, service, and scholarship at tuition-driven institutions. The case highlights strategic …show more content…

In the 1990’s Nazareth College began administrative support for service-learning, which initially grew out of connections from the Center for Spirituality’s volunteer work in the community. Over time the Vice President of Academic Affairs appointed a faculty member to direct the center and clarified the academic learning orientation and differentiated service-learning from service work. During the 2000’s the Center for Service Learning worked to train faculty in service-learning pedagogy, support partnerships with the community, and orchestrate large multi-disciplinary service-learning initiatives such as the North Star Underground Railroad Project (Braveman, 2008). With a growing momentum of service-learning faculty the institution supported participation in the annual institute sponsored by the Eastern Region Campus Compact and Imagining America in 2009, 2011, & 2012 titled, “Developing Institutional Strategies for Rewarding Engaged Scholarship in Promotion and Tenure” (see Imagining America, 2012 below). At these sessions the service-learning director and numerous service-learning faculty formulated strategic initiatives to support policy reforms aimed to support engaged scholarship and

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