
Neal Shusterman's Unwind: Review

Decent Essays

Review of Unwind “Three Teens, one terrifying process” occurs in, Unwind, by Neal Shusterman. Unwind, a process done in a harvest camp where children are split into parts but without technically killing them, 99% of their body are kept alive and used as donor parts. Connor, a troublesome 17 year old with repeated delinquent behaviours. Risa, a ward of the state but due to budget cut, was scheduled to be unwound. Lev, a tithe who believed all his life he was a blessing for God. They are destined to be unwound but they are like no other unwind. They blew up the harvest camp a day before Connor was scheduled to be unwound and became a legend to all unwinds. Neal Shusterman’s horrific novel, Unwind, is told through 3rd person omniscient,

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