
Near-Death Experience Thesis

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Neurological Basis of Near Death Experiences: A Qualitative Meta-Analysis
The past decade has yielded a tremendous number of research focusing on the phenomenon known as Near Death Experiences (NDE). Greyson (2000a) described near-death experiences as:
Profound psychological events with transcendental and mystical elements, typically occurring to individuals close to death or in situations of intense physical or emotional danger. The elements include ineffability, a sense that the experience transcends personal ego, and an experience of union with a divine or higher principle.
The commonality of near-death experiences in the general population has been a difficult question that research has tried to answer, and one that still remains difficult to answer due to the different methodology used among investigators (Blanke & Dieguez, 2009). But one area that research agrees upon is that neither gender, race, nor age are strong predicators of experiencing a near-death experience. There is …show more content…

This is problematic in that it makes it nearly impossible for researchers to come to similar conclusions when studying near death experiences, especially when they are utilizing different criteria for defining the phenomenon. This has resulted in the development of many near-death experience scales by researchers eager to establish categorizing tools that could be used among scientists studying the phenomenon. One of the first scales that tried to come up with a categorization system of near death features was developed by Moody (1975). Moody collected 150 reports of near death experiences; based off of this sample, he realized that many of the participants reported a variety of phenomenological features. Using the features reported by participants, Moody identified 15 common

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