
Negative Effects Of Cell Phones

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Do Cell Phones Affect Peoples Communication Skills? Everywhere we look today we see someone using some kind of technology, cell phones especially. Cell phones nowadays are a must for everyone. People are either texting, calling, emailing, or checking some sort of social media website. It is hard to go anywhere nowadays and not see people on their phones. What would people today do without their phones? They would end up falling apart and feeling lost. Cellphones in general are just a distraction and lead to people relying on them too much instead of having a face to face conversation which is bad because relying to much on your phone for talking affects your ability to talk to someone face to face. In this paper I am going to state why cell phone use is not just hurting people’s ability to speak to one another In a face to face contact, but how it is affecting people’s lives because they are so distracted by the enjoyment technology gives them that they do not think of the educational befits behind it. Cell phones have good uses as well; they help us quickly get information to someone in an efficient way and they help us with everyday life. More adults end up relying on their phones for everyday life things rather than kids, because they have more responsibilities like working at home or working at the office. Younger people mostly just use phones for all the apps or entertainment. There is probably an app for anything nowadays. According to Internet and Technology Pew Research Center “About 11% of adults have said that some sort of technology, cell phone or computer, has ended up increasing their use in the workplace while 19% have said it has increased work at home.” (Wellman, et. al). It is not that shocking more people use their phones or computers at home for work more than in the office because people would rather be at home in a relaxing environment doing work rather than in a place they don’t feel as relaxed. Cell phones can also help us keep in contact with people far away or help focus on meeting new people. According to Barry Wellman, et. al “about 68% of adults have said that technology and cell phones have helped them keep in contact with loved ones, meet new people, or connect with friends.

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