
Negative Effects Of Food

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The Dirty Truth Through the advancement of science and the creation of well-developed inventions humanity has been allowed to evolve far faster than nature has intended. In the creation of modern day civilization, society has been able to dissolve the threats that tainted our lives in the past. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development(OECD) in 2011 ranked the United States 26th in highest life expectancy at an average of 78.7 years of life. Although we have been improving the overall longevity in our country, our standard diet has promoted avoidable premature deaths. We have turned towards methods of food preparation that are dehumanizing and dirtying our bodies. We prepare our food in similar ways in which cars are manufactured and take little consideration to the fact that the end product will be consumed. I believe that if America installed more safety checks in food preparation our overall nation’s health will improve and many lives will be saved. The American population have been misinformed about the negative effects that food production has had on the planet and its inhabitants. In many cases we have been fighting a backwards war, we attack the effects of problems instead of the problems itself. For example, only some of the population were aware of the Chipotle E. coli outbreak in recent years, but instead of understanding were this outbreak originated many people simply avoided eating at Chipotle or hoped that medical professionals would be able

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