
Negative Effects Of Peer Pressure

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Even though risky behavior and peer pressure can have a variety of different meanings for people, typically, it is a relation to drugs or alcohol. Most of the time, it seems that the most well-known types of peer pressure come from friends partaking in a substance such as drugs or alcohol and trying to persuade someone else in the group. According to the article “Peer pressure and risk-taking behaviors in children” by Lewis and Lewis (1984), peer pressure is a major factor in the development of risk-taking behaviors such as alcohol, drug, and tobacco use. (Lewis & Lewis, 1984) Not only are these risk-taking behaviors prevalent throughout life, but most specifically throughout college. In their book Monitoring the future national survey results on drug use Johnston, O’Malley, Bachman, and Schulenberg (2009), all suggest that the biggest difference between college students and their non-college peers is largely due to the environment at college. (Johnston et al., 2009)
From the article “Negative Peer Pressure and Youth Drug Use” by Peace Dunu (2003), she states that as children grow older, their parent's influence over them diminishes and they are more influenced by friends and that involvement with peers is a healthy part of every child's development is. She also states that some of the troublesome aspects of peer pressure is the negative influences and the possible outcomes on adolescence such as drug abuse, shoplifting, teen pregnancies, teen chat rooms, and alcohol abuse

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