
Negative Effects Of Video Games

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Video gaming is a big deal in today's society. Games are getting more and more real as the years go on for example the game Call of Duty has evolved from just being called Call of Duty to now having 15 different versions of the game that comes out every year with more and more graphic material. Video games are bad for kids because of the negative effects on our brain to make kids dumber, kids do not want to go outside so their becoming overweight, and causing kids to repeat the same stunts in the game which is causing injury and even death. Will these effects on our children be life changers or life enders? Video games have been around for some time now and each year they are getting more and more realistic to the point that they are hurting children everywhere or causing children to hurt people around them. Many studies are being down everyday and scientist are finding that too much video games is causing kids to do poor in school which leads to bad grades and eventually dropping out all together. According the Health Central website that more and more kids each day might be happier in life due to video games, but when it comes to school they have negative feelings and negative aggression towards it ( Violent video games are leading to attention problems and generally led to a greater decline in academic performance( Studies show that kids who have more than two hours of screen time end up having ADHD which is

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